Mesothelioma Cancer Lung Lining

Mesothelioma Cancer Lung Lining - Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects layers of various organs of the body. This layer is called mesothelium, from which the name of the cancer originated. Although asbestos is commonly associated with the cause of lung cancer, it can also cause cancer of the stomach lining, stomach lining and heart layers, among others.

There are two types of cells involved in mesothelioma: epithelial and sarcoma. Epithelial cells are cells that are involved in layers of various parts of the body. On the other hand, sarcomatoid cells are involved in connective tissue. While the former accounted for about 50 percent of cases and was significantly more easily treated, the latter consisted of 15 percent of cases and was much more difficult. The remaining 35 percent of cases were mixed: epithelial and sarcoma.

Unfortunately, the survival rate of people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma is not as good. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, which accounts for 80 percent of all cases of mesothelioma, you probably will not live more than 18 months after diagnosis.

There are several treatment routes if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. The first and best option is surgery, which can eliminate all or part of the tumor, which gives a longer life expectancy. In fact, people affected by pleural mesothelioma in the early stages can actually enter forgiveness, which means that all signs and symptoms of the disease disappear, including shortening of age. However, this is only possible in the first two stages of mesothelioma, which will be discussed below.

Radiation is another option. This is a treatment where doctors use high energy particles or waves to target and destroy cancer cells. Radiation is often very effective in treating cancer, especially when combined with other treatment options.
Chemotherapy is the last of the main treatment options. This is the use of chemicals that are toxic to cancer cells and cause them to die. Unfortunately, the same chemicals used in chemotherapy are often also harmful to the body, causing side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and more. You should discuss treatment extensively before choosing a course.

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